5 Keys To Distance SILVER Training Program


This course is the training program Eric developed and used to win 2 World Long Drive Championship titles. It has helped more than 20,000 golfers hit the ball farther and straighter. The 5 Keys To Distance is one of the longest-running, most successful training programs in golf.

The program includes a book, key concept lessons, and a series of training and drill videos.

The course is organized into five modules. Each module covers one of the key elements of the swing that contribute to speed, power, and distance. The swing concepts make the acronym BLAST, which stands for:

  1. B = Balance
  2. L = Leverage
  3. A = Arc
  4. S = Speed
  5. T = Target

Within each module there are intro and core lesson videos, along with specific drill videos. Each video has a “cheat sheet” with fill-in-the-blank spaces for key concepts to help accelerate learning and comprehension.

There is also a Bonus module that contains the ScoreTracker spreadsheet for help tracking playing stats and measuring progress.

The course is view-able on all devices: computers, notebooks, tablets and phones. In fact, we recommend taking your phone to the range to watch the videos just before practicing.


“Eric, I received your book yesterday and have been reading it and highlighting ever since. Your book, DVD, and interviews are awesome!! Just what I have been looking for a very long time. I can tell already that I need to build up some stabilizing muscles in my body. Thanks again for your dedicated research and sharing this incredible book with your fellow golfers.”

Mike P.

Took it to the course yesterday and had my best striking round ever, with some pretty long drives (for me) and dead straight. It’s very exciting.


“Eric, You have an uncanny ability to break down the components of the golf swing into simple terms with great clarity. I gain additional insight each time I read your book “5 Keys to Distance” and review this video. Thank you soooo much. When is your next book coming out? Please put me down for the first release.”

Orson L.

Dear Eric
“Instantly you made the game fun again. The consistency was amazing, both as to direction as well as trajectory and shot shape. Even the sound of the iron shots was much better. Thanks for an exciting round. I love working through all the steps and drills. Greens in regulation are now the rule and not the exception. More distance, less effort, more accuracy, no sore muscles, more fun.”

Ron G.

“Eric, I have to tell you that I’m absolutely delighted with your drills. They make perfect sense to me, and I’m actually enjoying doing them because I can tell intuitively that they will make a real difference. I have for a long time avoided going to the range because I felt that I was simply reinforcing my mistakes. I am going to the range now with quite a different attitude because after only two sessions on the range I can see improvement already. I’m determined to keep up with the drills, and I can tell you that your presentation of them is excellent. I’ve had lots of lessons in the past from some of the best “swing gurus” in the world. But none of them have made a real difference to my swing like you have. I’m very excited now because I can already feel the difference. Best wishes”

Jeff W.

“Eric, This is superb instruction. Very clear and easy to understand. I have countless books and videos on golf instruction but you are the first person to explain these principles so clearly. I have been struggling for years with hitting from the top and now after watching just a couple of videos I have very clear idea of how to finally overcome it. Thank you very much.”


About the Author

Eric Jones is a 2-time World Long Drive Champion and PGA Teacher of the Year in Northern California.

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The 5 Keys To Distance is the premier driver training program in golf. It is the training program used by Eric Jones to win two World Long Drive Championship titles.

It takes most golfers about two to three months to go through the training program. It depends on how much time you spend at the range. The more time at the range the faster it will go.

The Book and the Videos work together. The Book contains a much more detailed description of each of the BLAST concepts as well as detailed descriptions of the drills and what you will be trying to accomplish. The Videos add a whole new dimension because you will be able to see examples of the drills in action. It’s a great combo, and probably one of the reasons the program is so popular.

Click the Add to Cart button above to get started on improving your distance!

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